
The purpose of this code is to provide clear and unambiguous payment terms for suppliers.

Statutory rights

Nothing in this code affects suppliers’ statutory rights.

Definition of supplier

Supplier means any individual or organisation that supplies products or services to Prepress Projects Ltd from time to time.

These suppliers may be in the UK or elsewhere. This code applies to all suppliers, irrespective of location.


In what follows, both products and services are presumed to be or have been for sale and that Prepress Projects is about to or has entered into a contract to purchase them.


We define product to be any purchase that has physical form (e.g. computer equipment, office supplies, office furniture).


We define service to be any purchase that is not a physical product (e.g. insurance, software, website subscriptions, training, and all freelance and accounting services).

Scope of the above definitions

It is not possible to exhaustively list categories of products or services that the company may wish to purchase. For the avoidance of doubt, all purchases are included, not just those given in the examples above. Generally, the aim of making purchases will be to support or extend business operations.

We note that some purchases may comprise a combination of goods and services (e.g. catering services), and these are also covered by these terms and conditions.

Fair Payment Code

Prepress Projects Ltd agrees to abide by the Fair Payment Code’s principles of being clearfair and collaborative in all dealings with its suppliers. In particular, we will:

  • agree clear payment terms with suppliers and put these in writing before suppliers provide products or services; and
  • communicate promptly with suppliers if payment may be delayed or otherwise require a change to the agreed terms.

Prepress Projects Ltd will apply the Fair Payment Code to all suppliers and treat them all equally.

Payment terms

Prepress Projects Ltd commits to paying all valid supplier invoices within 30 days of receipt (or more quickly if so agreed at the point of purchase).

Where payment of an invoice is delayed, we will automatically apply late payment interest and compensation as outlined in The Late Payment of Commercial Debts Act 1998.

We will aim to avoid disputes, and where these cannot be avoided we will pay the undisputed parts of invoices in accordance with the payment terms and act speedily to resolve the disputes.

We will work proactively with suppliers to avoid conflict and facilitate early resolution of potential disputes.