As an employee-owned company, we need no persuasion that our people are our most valuable assets. This belief is embedded in the company’s DNA.
In addition to our management team, we have several project leaders and a large pool of expert editors, writers, designers/typesetters and technical specialists. Around half our employees have a science background. Most of our staff members have some form of postgraduate qualification or many years of professional publishing experience, and several have both. Several people in the company have a PhD.
Perhaps more important than qualifications, our employees are resourceful and capable individuals who care about meeting clients’ needs.
We are committed to on-going professional development and have a well-used training support scheme to assist in the acquisition of publishing and management skills through distance learning.
Prepress Projects has had Investors in People (IIP) accreditation since 2005. The Investors In People standard defines areas of good practice for improving an organisation’s performance through its people. We currently hold an IIP Silver Award.

We are also accredited as an Investor in Young People (IIYP) and in 2016 we achieved the IIYP Good Practice Award. In January 2018 our award was upgraded to Gold level.