We support small as well as large journals. Some might require only a few hours weekly and others require almost full-time attention. Similarly, we offer comprehensive maternity or illness cover.

When your journal editors change, the transition will be seamless.

Our staff are familiar with travelling to, and arranging, editorial board meetings and they are confident in dealing with even the most demanding of academic editors.

Let us manage your editorial office – we run responsive editorial offices for leading research journals.

We are very familiar with dealing with journal editors and authors and coordinating the peer review process.

We know how to get the most out of the latest web-based electronic editorial office systems, such as ScholarOne Manuscripts. Our editorial office co-ordinators attend ScholarOne University, typically within 9 to 12 months of joining our editorial office team.

Our editorial staff will deal with all submitted articles exactly as you wish, arrange for peer review and chase late reviews.