One of the services we offer for our clients is support and assistance with registering DOIs with Crossref.
Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are unique identifiers that are permanently associated with a publication, thus enabling the publications to be cited as references that the readers will always be able to follow up on. The DOIs can be made into URLs that provide a persistent link to the original document. For example, the DOI 10.5555/12345680 gives the URL https://doi.org/10.5555/12345680. The DOI should always link to either the full text of the document or a full bibliographic record, and the publisher is responsible for ensuring that the link is always kept up to date.
We are registered as a Sponsor with Crossref, one of the major providers of DOI registration services, and can sponsor other organisations to join Crossref as Sponsored Members. Crossref is a membership-based non-profit organisation whose aim is to improve scholarly communications. With an article’s DOI registered through Crossref, information about the article is available through Crossref’s widely used metadata search facilities.
As a Sponsor, we are able to
- help you get set up with Crossref to register DOIs and answer your questions;
- register DOIs on your behalf;
- find and troubleshoot problems with registration failures, missing DOIs or incorrect metadata;
- update DOIs and metadata if your website changes or you want to add more information about your publications later;
- provide information on Crossref’s additional services, such as reference linking, Crossmark and Similarity Check, and help you use them;
- handle Crossref’s billing and accounts; and
- keep you up to date with new features from Crossref and support you through any changes to its systems.
Sponsored Members have all the benefits of direct members, and all the same obligations, but you will have us to work with Crossref on your behalf.
Regardless of whether or not you use our sponsoring services with Crossref, we can help you with DOIs in the documents we edit for you. We can
- advise you on how to display DOIs correctly on your website and in your publications;
- check and correct DOIs in reference lists;
- add DOIs to references in reference lists; and
- create DOIs for registration according to a plan or pattern of your choice, and add them to the edited documents.
Please contact us if you would like more information on DOIs and metadata, or if you would like to talk to us about sponsoring you as a Crossref member.
About the author
Rhiannon is a principal project leader responsible for XML development and feed generation, internal application development, and tech support.